Offset Your Excess Emissions by Buying Carbon Credits
Our carbon credits are sourced from our own portfolio of projects as well as sourcing high-quality carbon credits from Australia and worldwide. This provides you with a choice of carbon credit products that align with your values, as well as your overall climate action goals.
Our verification process ensures all carbon credits are scientifically measured, giving you the confidence that you are buying credible offsets that will make a real impact in reducing emissions.

Carbon credit process
What are carbon credit?
A carbon credit is generated by an activity that removes Green House Gas emissions from the atmosphere. One carbon credit is the equivalent of one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e).
There are a wide variety of carbon credit however we focus on quality, certified native forest plantations, biochar, Bioenergy Carbon Credit Sequestration, carbon negative building products, blue carbon (mangrove planting) and soil carbon (increased carbon in soils).
Our portfolio
At Alpen Carbon, we have our own portfolio of carbon credits as well as access to International projects. We focus on high quality carbon credits with improved economic, social and cultural co-benefits (ESG) and or the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Our focus in on carbon credits from the following registries ; Voluntary Carbon Standard (Verra) Registry, the Gold Standard Impact Registry, or the Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU).​​​
Choosing the right carbon credits for you
We give you the option of either preselected carbon credits, or you can contact us to clarify your specific requirements.
We recommend you speak to one of our advisors to clarify what type of carbon credits are suitable for you, your company or organisation.
Alpen Carbon provides carbon credit advice.
​Surrender of Carbon Credits
Alpen Carbon surrenders carbon credits purchased online in batches either quarterly or half yearly. Therefore, the names of purchasers are not identifiable and no individual serial numbers are available for transactions made online.